The bedrock of any successful product, policy or service is an in-depth understanding of its users everyday lives. As an award-winning public sector research leader with 15+ years experience I know this first hand. And whether you need me to personally deliver these critical insights or to coach others to do so, I’m here to help.

I am an expert researcher with extensive central government experience and applied knowledge of the GDS Service Standard across agile project phases. I am trained to doctoral level in qualitative research design and ethnography, including process and impact evaluation; primary and secondary research methods spanning behavioural and social research approaches; qualitative analysis and descriptive statistics. As a result, I can flex my methodological approach with ease, meaning that you get the highest quality insights.

I lead by example and am passionate about delivering evidence-based insights that drive user-centred service and policy design. I’ve had the privilege of leading user research teams twenty strong, alongside creating thriving communities of practice (CoP). Most recently, I set up the Department for Education’s first ethics CoP and governance practices. You can read more about that here.